Micro Objective - Cardboard Adventures - 50

Everyone loves a puzzle! Stumbling on a puzzle a neighbor or coworker took the time to provide is bound to make anyone smile. (Ok, it's bound to make MOST people smile.) So let's get to it and spread Random Acts of Puzzle!


Create a "random act of puzzle!"


1) Choose a printable word puzzle. We suggest a word search, as it's a familiar, easily recognizable puzzle format.

2) Print the puzzle.

3) Anonymously place the puzzle in a public place, along with a note that encourages community participation. You may also want to leave a pen nearby. 

4) Optional: You may want to add our website (www.QuestScouts.com) to the puzzle, so others can check us out and see what we’re up to.

5) Return to your puzzle after 24+ hours and photograph participation. Maybe your puzzle is complete, or maybe it's not even there anymore! 

6) Share your puzzle results on Instagram or Twitter with the tag #QuestScouts. You can also share your experiences in our Facebook group.

Remember, if you post to a public Instagram or Twitter account your photo will show up on our Scout Board for other Quest Scouts to enjoy and comment on.