Wedged - Art - 200



Create a collage using only triangles.


Previously, for our In Print art objective, we chose your collage medium (newsprint paper) but left the subject of the collage up to you. This time, we’re doing the opposite! Choose any collage medium you’d like, but we’d like your subject to be exclusively triangles. (There’s still a ton of freedom and creativity possible here even within this constraint!)

1) Gather your supplies. At its heart, a collage is a piece of art made by adhering material(s) to a canvas.

You'll need:

A) Canvas (Any canvas will do, but if you use paper, thicker is better.)

B) Collage Medium of your choice (Fabric, patterned paper, magazines, photos…)

C) Adhesive

2) Create your triangle collage!

IMPORTANT: Remember, the objective here is to make a collage EXCLUSIVELY out of triangles.

This is a higher point objective, so don't rush it! Put some time in effort into making something you're proud to share.

If you need some inspiration, check out these awesome projects!

-Modern Art with Paper Triangles by Lia Griffith

-Geometric Fruit Art

-Collage Greeting Cards from Nancy Bandzuch

-Art Journal Triangles by Dianne Faw

3) Post a photo of your completed piece on Instagram or Twitter with the tag #QuestScouts. You can also share your work in our Facebook group.