In Print - Visit - 300 — Quest Scouts

In Print - Visit - 300

Printing Press (Noun)

A machine, as a cylinder press or rotary press, for printing on paper or the like from type, plates, etc.


1) Identify a location where you can view a professional printing press in action. 

This includes touring a newspaper printer or a letterpress studio.

2) Contact and set up a tour (informal or not) during which you can watch the machines at work.

3) Visit and watch the printing press in action. While there, ask lots of questions! 

What is the name/type of press you you are using?

What type of paper is being used?

What types of inks are being used?

How does the printing process work?

4) Take a photo to document your visit and post the photo to Twitter or Instagram with the tags #QuestScouts and #PrintingPress.

5) In the comments below, tell us about a) your experience and b) what you learned while there.