Mongo Micro Objective - Photography - 50


Quest Scouts inspires your to squeeze the most out of life while collecting real-life, physical badges. 


Take a photo of garbage that conveys a message about consumption.


1) For our Mongo photography objective, we looked at Seven Days of Garbage from Greg Segal. Segal’s work conveys a message about waste and the American consumer. For this micro objective, we want you to take a photograph of garbage that conveys a message about consumption.

Your photo’s message can be, but doesn’t have to be, immediately obvious. Keep in mind that this is a low point micro objective, so we’re not expecting anything too extravagant. (Feel free to blow our minds if you’d like though!)

2) Share your photo on Instagram or Twitter with the tag #QuestScouts. Alternatively, you can also share your photo in our Facebook group.

3) After you post your photo, leave a comment below stating that you have completed this micro objective.