1) Find a body of water worthy of rock skipping!
This will be A LOT easier for some of you than others. If you've got a body of water that's really close to your home, or that you visit regularly, consider choosing a new location for this objective. Remember- Quest Scouts is all about exposing yourself to new experiences.
2) (Optional) Watch the video above for tips on rock skipping.
3) Practice skipping rocks across the water. Spend a fair amount of time doing this, attempting to increase your skill.
4) Document your rock skipping adventure with a photograph and share it on Instagram or Twitter with the tags #QuestScouts and #RockSkipping.
Remember, if you post to a public Instagram or Twitter account with the tag #QuestScouts your photo will show up on our Scout Board for other Quest Scouts to view and interact with.
5) Tell us about your experience in the comments below! Where did you skip rocks? Who were you with? Did you enjoy yourself?