Quest Scouts inspires your to squeeze the most out of life while collecting real-life, physical badges.
Create "Index Card Art" inspired by the provided prompt.
This micro quest is part of our ongoing series, "index card art." We chose index cards for two reasons. First, index cards are inexpensive and readily available. We don't expect that it will be difficult for any of you to procure an index card. Second, many who don't consider themselves "artists" tend to stress about creating or sharing art. Using an index card instead of a sketch book lends itself to silliness. Have fun with the prompt! We're not looking for perfection, just a good time. You can save your index cards and look back at them over time, or throw them away. The choice is up to you!
1) Gather your supplies. You'll need an index card (4x6 or 5x7) and something to draw with. (Pencil, pen, markers... you get the point!)
2) Interpret the prompt below to make your index card art.
What does fear look like?
3) Take a photo of your art and share it on Instagram or Twitter with the tag #QuestScouts. Alternatively, you can also share your art in our Facebook group.