Most Quest Scouts Quest have at least one "games" objective. Games are a source of entertainment and brain stimulation that, for many, can help lead happier lives. Since Cardboard Adventure is all about tabletop games, this objective is worth A LOT of points!
This objective features "gateway games," which are games that are both fun and welcoming to individuals who are new to the board gaming hobby. Our hope is that you will discover a new world of games you haven't played before. However, if you are a more experienced gamer, we have compiled a list of alternative games for you that you can find here.
For some, finding these games may be a challenge. While they are all available for purchase from Amazon or your Friendly Local Gaming Store, purchasing them could get expensive. Try networking with game groups through Meetup and reaching out to friends. You'll be surprised by the game closets of some of your neighbors!
Play one of the listed games from one or more of the four categories below.
1) Play one game from one or more of the following categories. (150 points per category you play a game from. Play all four categories for 600 points.)
2) Take a photo of you and/or your friends with the game(s) you play and post it/them on Instagram or Twitter with the tag #QuestScouts and #TabletopGames. You can also share your experiences in our Facebook group.
Remember, if you post to a public Instagram or Twitter account your photo will show up on our Scout Board for other Quest Scouts to enjoy and comment on.
1) Monopoly
2) Scrabble
3) Sorry or Trouble
4) Checkers or Chess
1) Uno or Phase 10
2) Yahtzee
3) Jenga
4) Gin, Spades, or any game played with a standard deck.
1) Settlers of Catan
2) Carcassonne
3) Ticket to Ride
4) Dominion
1) Hive
2) Guillotine
3) Zombie Dice
4) Snatch or Bananagrams
1) Lords of Waterdeep
2) Power Grid
3) Caverna or Agricola
4) Tammany Hall